Here’s a duo that underlines just how weak any attempt to explain the chemistry in words is bound to be. Is it a conversation? Yes, sometimes. Right at the beginning, Casagrande sets out a quiet, thoughtful proposition, before Bearzatti comes in with his own fuller and more defined articulation of it. At other moments on these pieces, all of them compositions by the saxophone player, there are elements of dance, even when there is no explicit dance rhythm involved. Sometimes, there’s an almost mathematical elegance to the conjunction of elements, which isn’t a belittling thought: mathematics is the most elegant of all the arts. The only logical conclusion is that these “lost songs” – how did they come to be lost? how were they found again? or is this simply another metaphor for their deliciously faraway manner? – don’t lend themselves to analysis. They simply have to be heard and it’s astonishing how music so calmly unassertive should be so commanding, too. Bearzatti and Casagrande invite us in at the beginning and hold us right to the end". (Brian Morton)
FEDERICO CASAGRANDE, electric guitar
Recorded Live at Abbazia di Rosazzo Winery, Italy on 8 June 20177
01. Nirvanina
02. Waltz For Paola
03. Crickets In My Head
04. Bear´s Mood
05. In A Soap Bubble
06. African Kids
07. Five Moon
08. Rue De Nanette
09. Lullaby For M