Un Ruido De Agua (CF 650 CD)

Un Ruido De Agua Agrandir l'image

Un Ruido De Agua

Clean Feed


FEE 175217

CF 650 CD



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CD 14,98 €


Like Eva Figes’ enchanting 1983 novella, Light, the latest full-length release from extraordinary Argentinian pianist Nataniel Edelman harnesses 24 hours in the life of an artist and atomises it in a marvellously virtuosic breakdown of allusive tones and mottled moods.

Figes’ literary portrait of Claude Monet comes alive in her redolent descriptions of the great painter’s Giverny garden sanctum. Un Ruido de Agua is equally evocative in its impressionistic representations of the Berlin riverside studio where this absorbing, often delectably understated session was recorded last spring, capturing the ebb-and-flow of passing time in a series of Basho-like vignettes where simple gestures contain the kernels of all existence and the minutiae of seeming fripperies become near-seismic events.


  • Nataniel Edelman - (piano)
  • Michael Formanek - (bass)
  • Michaël Attias - (alto saxophone)

Recorded May 7th 2022 at Blackbird Studios, Berlin, Germany


  • 01. The River
  • 02. Unfolds
  • 03. Canción del Vino
  • 04. Un Recuerdo Nuevo
  • 05. Voz
  • 06. Three Beats
  • 07. De Cerca
  • 08. Pliegues
  • 09. Ripe Plums
  • 10. La Femme Centaure